My Books

Carlos the Lonely Caterpillar : Carlos is a lonely caterpillar who lives in a beautiful field of sunflowers. Although there is much to admire from the outside about where he lives, his inner world is tormented with unhappiness and grief because none of the insects want to be his friend. They tease him constantly and this makes him feel sad and lonely. Join Carlos in this epic adventure of hope, friendship, and transformation. This ageless treasure is a great book for young readers, caregivers and educators sharing messages about self-worth, self-love, and growth. Reflections and discussion activities are included focusing on how to use mindfulness to become aware of thoughts, emotions, and physical experiences in the body as they arise in the present moment.

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Doing and Being : Description: Doing and Being by Farahana Surya Namaskar and illustrated by Pierce Baggett is a children's book about living a balanced day. It teaches children and their parents that although we are always busy "doing" things, "being" is very important. When we allow ourselves to just be, we are in essence allowing ourselves to be more mindful. Mindfulness is the act of staying present. It is the focus of being in the here and in the now moment, rather than focusing on past or future events. Mindfulness helps reduce stress, anxiety, fear and worry. It also helps us to mange our emotions better. The book presents examples of various activities associated with doing and being and how we can balance these during the course of our day in order to stay more relaxed. Remember, "Doing is important, but don't forget about Being".

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The Healing Power of Words : The Healing Power of Words is a compilation of poetry that became an important part of Namaskar's healing process after the break up of her seven year marriage. She describes her healing to have unfolded under 4 main themes that became chapters in the book; "Pain and Grief", "Healing and Growth", "Love and Nurturing" and "Purpose and Awakening". Namaskar believes that each day in our life is uniquely made up of lessons we must go through in order to help us grow. Enjoy the blessings of this masterpiece and allow yourself to unfold through the process from pain to awakening.

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Sparks of Inspiration by Positive Media Press : 21 Inspiring authors ignite a flame of positivist and inspiration. Through this collection of short stories, you will be reminded of where you’ve been and where you’re going. These stories written by authors around the world connect us all. One is sure to illuminate, inspire, and ignite something unexpected in you.

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365 Life Shifts - Pivotal Moments that Changed Everything by Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck : Every so often, we have an experience that alters the course of our lives and changes who we are forever. Sometimes these moments fill us with rapture and flood us with insight. Other times, they are blessings in disguise that don't reveal their treasure until years later. However they show up, these moments can inspire us to live richer, deeper, and more authentically soulful lives.

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