Cancun, Mexico was the destination I was being called to explore, and I decided to be spontaneous and just book the trip. I have never just “up and gone” especially to a place where I had no friends or family. It was literally just going to be me on this trip … Well, that’s not entirely true, God and I were going on this trip. 🙂
There was no doubt that I experienced so many different sentiments on this trip. There were passed memories that I reflected on; memories from my marriage, travelling with a partner and my child – as a family. As I saw couples travel with their children, I was taken back to a trip we made back in 2015 to Cancun with our couple friend and their son, and my ex-husband and our son. There was also a couple on their honeymoon excited to spend time together, embracing and celebrating their love. I admired them for the love they shared and the excitement I ssaw in their eyes as they looked forward to the next few days together. What I didn’t see was single man or woman for that matter, venturing out on a trip where they were going to just be spending time with themselves. I was the only one! The reactions from people visiting Cancun and the staff at the resort when I shared that I was vacationing on my own was eye opening. It almost seemed like this was a totally foreign and “abnormal” thing to do. It was comical actually to hear people ask “why” when I confirmed I was going to be dining alone.
However, despite the memories that I was very aware of, there wass a sense of excitement towards this unknown adventure I was exploring by myself. Over the past few years, I have begun grooming myself as I have ventured out and started to do things by myself. While I was married, I started to go to the movies by myself and explore going to eat at restaurants by myself, and to kick it up a notch, I would also enjoy a glass of red wine on my own. I felt totally brave going to Mexico by myself because that I never envisioned myself becoming so outrageously courageous. Realize this was a huge deal for me.
Waking up every morning whenever I wanted, and just letting the day unfold the way it did was so liberating. I didn’t need to plan anything around anyone’s needs or wishes. It was all about ME and what I wanted to do. Honestly, I don’t remember the last time that had happened. This was my FIRST TIME. It was all about ME ME and ME!
Overcoming fears, discomforts and our reservations is such an important part of our growing. It allows us to learn to live outside of the boundaries an fears we have created for ourselves over time. It allows us to free ourselves from any limiting beliefs of what it is we think we can or cannot do, or should or should not do. In my case, I have always needed to be able to have a predictable schedule in my life, I have wanted to define things, understand them so that they would make sense because somehow, thinking that I have control over everything made me feel safe and secure. Uncertainty and the unknown is very scary for many of us. But the truth is, no matter how hard we try to create a plan, figure things out, create that redundant schedule that tells us what comes next, in reality, life simply does not go ass planned. I feel like my travel to Mexico allowed me to take yet another plunge in my life – another leap of faith. I should probably jump off a plane soon. The more I jump, the more I learn about my power to free myself a little more. I no longer am bound by the shackles of fear, control or living a life that someone else said I should live. I am living in accordance with what excites and drives my spirit. I live in accordance with what fuels me with joy. I will continue on this journey, with love, faith and a sense of fulfillment – and why? Because I can! We should all allow ourselves to live a life that is free, fun and uplifting. I believe that is what God wishes for all of us, so take a chance and breath in some freedom and fun. I know you will enjoy every minute!